Privacy Settings

DATRIA s.r.o., Dašická 1185, Chrudim IV, 53701 Chrudim, Company ID: 04261763,, as the data controller, processes cookies on this website. These are short text files that the website stores on the visitor's computer and that the internet browser provides each time the user returns to the site. Only the cookie file itself is identified on your end device. More information about cookies can be found here on Wikipedia.

Technically Necessary

We use strictly necessary cookies on our website for its proper functioning.

Type Name Purpose
Technically Necessary PHPSESSID Application Run
Technically Necessary cc_cookie Consent/disconsent settings for cookies
Technically Necessary ls_mainInfoAlert Information window function
Technically Necessary Enhanced user support via chat


These cookies are used to collect information for analyzing traffic on our website and tracking how users use our website. For example, these cookies may track things like the amount of time you spend on the site or the pages you visit, which helps us understand how we can improve our site for you. The information collected through these tracking and performance cookies does not identify any individuals.

Type Name Purpose
Statistical Google Analytics Obtaining statistical information More information


These cookies are used to display advertisements that are likely to interest you based on your browsing habits. These cookies, required by us and/or advertising providers, may combine information collected from our website with other information they have independently collected from other websites regarding your browser activities within their advertising network of websites. If you choose to remove or disable these targeting or advertising cookies, you will still see ads, but they may no longer be personalized and relevant to you. We may also work with your contact details, including through services provided by Google, Seznam, and Meta.

Type Name Purpose
Marketing Seznam - Sklik Identification within the Seznam advertising network, retargeting, and ad measurement. Work with contact details (email, phone). More information
Marketing Google Ads Identification within the Google advertising network, retargeting, and ad measurement. Work with contact details (email, phone). More information

Change Privacy Settings

Under the link "Privacy Settings", you can set which privacy protection groups you want to allow/disable at any time. Here you will also find your current settings with the option to give/withdraw consent for individual/all privacy protection groups.

Standard web browsers (Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) support cookie and personal data management. You can manually delete, block, or completely disable individual cookies through your browser settings, and you can also block or allow them for specific websites.

Information on deleting/blocking cookies for individual browsers can be found here:

Our team

Sales Department

Aneta Václavková

Aneta Václavková

Business Development Manager
Language: czech, english, russian


DATRIA s.r.o.

Dašická 1185, 537 01 Chrudim IV
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 606 021 608
+420 720 986 929
+420 720 986 926


VAT: CZ04261763

Contact us

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